Saturday, May 24, 2008

a parting shot

spotted: oats sketch chilling in the Waldorf dining room, eavesdropping on Georgina's downfall.
it's been a fun (and lucrative. and self-promoting) 3 months.

onwards and upwards again
x o x o


Blogger albeo said...

you rock lady.
and next time, I am TOTALLY coming to the xoxo party. we'll leave the ladies behind. they wouldn't appreciate anyway.

Blogger albeo said...

You rock lady.
And next time, I am TOTALLY coming to the xoxo party. We'll leave the ladies behind. They wouldn't know how to appreciate it...

Blogger MicNic said...

I've never actually seen an episode of GG. I think you need to send me some a dvd copy with an autograph of yours truly.

Blogger Lady V said...

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah for artistry and gossip!

The ladies shall NOT be left behind. We know everything about modernity and the art of partying...

Blogger Unknown said...

tears are slowly rolling down my face...unbelievable sad (yet promising).


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